Dream enormously big.
Our Objectives
1) Our School invites students from all places with an objective to develop their potential in every walk of life.
2) Promotion of excellence is the basic objective of this institution. Besides achieving high academic standard, the school would like to develop an integrated personality of Students.
3)The school seeks to create conditions for all-round development of character in which fraternity, equality and justice for all shall be the guiding principles.
Goals give our lives meaning.
Our Goals
1) The main thrust is to provide the students an opportunity to adopt scientific knowledge at an early stage through a rich and well-stocked library and computer education, and help them evolve scientific temper.
2) Instead of limiting education as a method of instruction, various modalities and Instruments are pressed into service to enable students to undertake free enquiry with confidence.
3) Curricular and co-curricular activities have been designed by experts to help students to absorb sound moral values, a high degrees of social responsibilities, physical fitness and creativity.